Market Common Dogs - Charlie's Corner July 2016
The furry, four-legged ladies' man of the Market Common.

Charlie Hits the Beach With Pet Responsibility Reminders

Charlie’s Corner is the domain of Charlie, the furry four-legged lady’s man of the Market Common. Each month, he’ll share information to help all new, visiting, and existing doggie community members get the most out of life alongside their human companions. We’ll feature his reflections on what it’s like to be a dashing downtown doggie, as he reminds all of us how to play well together. 

This month, as the thermostat rises, Charlie hits the beach with some great tips for pet and people fun. 

The car door opens, and I leap out in enthusiasm. But ouch! That pavement is hot on my paws. Luckily my excellent people brought my doggie sunscreen to the beach. It’s made specifically for pets because it doesn’t have zinc oxide, which isn’t good for us. It’s the perfect protection for my tender paw pads on the hot asphalt and sand, and for the pink noses of my friends and those with shorter hair who can burn just as easily as humans.

I love the beach. There’s plenty of new friends for me to make, as well as seagulls to chase. But you do need to keep us close to you on a leash at all times. And that includes when we’re frolicking in the waves. 

Speaking of swimming, I love it! But be aware there are rip currents right now, and an occasional jellyfish, so don’t swim too far with us, you might not be able to take care of us both. And definitely don’t let me drink ocean water. It makes me just as sick as it makes you. Mine and my peoples’ taste buds are perfectly aligned on this point. On the scrumptious dead smelly things I find all over the sand, though, I think we just won’t ever see eye-to-eye….

Now for the rules to remember: during the summer months, until after Labor Day, we can enjoy the beach before 10am and after 5pm. However, the stretch of beach from 13th Avenue South to 21st Avenue North doesn’t allow dogs at any time. But there’s plenty of other nearby spots to take us, including the area around Springmaid Pier, as well as Myrtle Beach State Park. And lastly, just like you would any other place, don’t forget to bring poop bags to clean up after us. Leaving my #2 in the dune-grass can harm the sensitive ecology of this place.

What a great day. I go home a happy dog, and my loving people investigate my fur for sand fleas. That’s really important because they can burrow under our skin and feed off our blood. They are about the size of a grain of rice with clear wings and black spots; and are most active during the morning and around dusk when they are looking for food – which could be us! You’ll need to take me to the vet for their safe removal. Luckily I escaped this time around, if only it were as easy to avoid the inevitable post-beach bath. But I suppose I can’t complain, having fluffy fur and a pleasant odor is what keeps me so popular with the girls.

Until next time, 

P.S. Follow me on Facebook to keep up with all my latest news, and on Instagram @charlieparkerscorner.

To read more about Charlie, click here.