Charlie’s Corner is the domain of Charlie, the furry four-legged lady’s man of the Market Common. Each month, he’ll share information to help all new, visiting, and existing doggie community members get the most out of life alongside their human companions. Here, we’ll feature his reflections on what it’s like to be a dashing downtown doggie, as he reminds all of us how to play well together.
This month, Charlie shares about his date with Winnie and takes stock of his luck.
My Valentine’s Day date with my girl-dog-friend Winnie was just as perfect as she is (sigh). Megan helped me bake dog biscuits in the shape of a heart, and I surprised her with them at just the right moment.
We were strolling through the Bark Parc in the Market Common. I had visited earlier that day and dug a hole right by my favorite tree and buried the treats. Then as we were meandering along, I took her to the spot, and told her that the earth was blooming with love and I would prove it.
I scrambled in the dirt, and sure enough, luck was on my side, as no other amorous canines attempting to woo their lady-loves, or mischievous squirrels had yet visited the spot.
Winnie was delighted, all the more so because of the presentation. I definitely earned points for ingenuity. We spent a delightful rest of the day romping in the grass, playing in the sunshine, and admiring another one of her hats.
Now I just need to keep luck on my side. Good thing that St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner. I’ll borrow a bit of the luck’o the Irish to stay on the up-and-up with Winnie.
I wonder how I get Irish luck. Is it free? Does it come with the day even if you’re not Irish? My pedigree— maltipoo poodle thank you very much— is not Irish. Not even British.
It’s a toss up if the poodle is of French or German origin, and maltipoo’s are a 100% American breed. But, there were a lot of Irish immigrants to America back in the day, so maybe being an American breed makes me inadvertently Irish in some way.
Or maybe the powers-that-be that control all that Irish luck would be a little lenient with me in borrowing some so I can continue to impress Winnie. After all, I am changing my wayward stripes and that’s gotta count for something positive, right?
Well, it’s worth looking into anyway. There’s definitely plenty of grass around, and clover usually is found in the grass, so I’m certain of finding some luck there. It’s time for me to put on Charlie’s-research cap so I can get to the root of the luck’o the Irish.
Hmmm… Apparently the word luck is of Middle Dutch origin (still not German, French or American, but okay, let’s keep going). It may be a shortening of the word, ‘luc’ or ‘gheluc’ which means good fortune. And the phrase luck of the Irish actually didn’t start in Ireland at all, but came to refer to the Irish immigrants to America who searched for gold during the gold rush, and found it.
Apparently, the Irish had a propensity for finding more gold than others, and people began to apply the phrase to their good fortune.
Well that’s good news for me! Since the term was birthed on American soil, maybe all that magic luck will overlook my birth (of which I’m very proud, by the way).
I’ll just have to cross my paws and hope for the best this month. Wish me… luck.
Until next time,