Market Common Dogs soggy naps

Meet Charlie, Market Common’s Dashing Downtown Doggie

Charlie’s Corner is the domain of Charlie, the furry four-legged lady’s man of the Market Common. Each month, he’ll share information to help all new, visiting, and existing doggie community members get the most out of life alongside their human companions. Here, we’ll feature his reflections on what it’s like to be a dashing downtown doggie, as he reminds all of us how to play well together. 

This edition, we welcome Charlie and his take on life, as a Market Common pooch. 

Hi, my name is Charlie, and I live here, in the Market Common. I have lots of neighboring doggie friends to socialize with, but I mostly enjoy spending time with my people in this wonderful neighborhood. 

I always start my day with a walk on a leash. Myrtle Beach city and Horry County laws specifically state when in public, dogs must be on a leash at all times, no longer than 7 feet.

Overall, I must say, the Market Common is very considerate of my needs and that makes life for me and my people a whole lot easier. Strategically placed waste stations are located throughout, with waste bags and disposal receptacles in case Grammy forgets a plastic bag from the house. Boy have I seen her look relieved by this option on several occasions.

Even though I’m a pretty popular guy, I’m not allowed in every establishment due to store and DHEC rules. So there are designated outdoor areas where I can enjoy meal time with my people. And I seem to always be able to find an outdoor drinking station in front of local establishments when I’m thirsty. Look in the Dining and Entertainment Section of this publication for the list of pet friendly establishments where you can take me and my friends along.

And last but not least, my heaven on earth— the dog park. Barc Parc is located on Howard Ave east of Farrow Parkway, and has sectioned areas for small and large dogs, to ensure we’ll mix well. I can really let loose and play free here, with obstacle courses, a pond to swim in and chase geese, and there are even benches for people to sit when they get tired.

Welcome to my neighborhood, the Market Common. It’s pretty grand here. 

Until next time, 

P.S. Follow me on Facebook to keep up with all my latest news, and on Instagram @charlieparkerscorner.

To read more of Charlie’s stories, click here.