MYN Market Common Insider November 2017
Caroline and Isabelle Artz with their favorite pooch, Charlie, in the Market Common. (Photo Meganpixels Parker)

Q&A with Isabelle & Caroline Artz

Home-Schooled Identical Twins, Isabelle & Caroline Artz Started Their Own Dog-Walking Business

by Melissa LaScaleia

Introduce me to your family.

There’s seven of us. Our dad, our mom, two older brothers, Kevin and Trevor, and one sister. We, Isabelle and Caroline, are identical mirror twins. 

Where did you move from?

Wilmington, NC.

Do you have a favorite place in the Market Common?

Wherever Charlie is. We also like Peace, Love, and Little Donuts.

What’s your favorite thing about living in the Market Common?

That it’s easy to bike everywhere. We like to go to the pool and the farmers market.

MYN Market Common Insider November 2017
Caroline and Isabelle Artz with their favorite pooch, Charlie, in the Market Common. (Photo Meganpixels Parker)

Tell me about your dog walking business.

We sell dog treats that we bake ourselves along with dog walking. (Both ideas came from the twins!) We started in May and have two customers. We walk the dogs at least once a week. We take them on 20-30 minute walks usually around the neighborhood.

What new activities have you taken up since moving here?

Isabelle: I started volleyball and drama.

Can you share one quirky fact with us about your family?

We’re a big family. Since we’re all home-schooled, we get to travel a lot. The older kids went to Europe. We saw the East and West Coast.

What are your favorite things to do here?

We like to go to the park, the one by Savannah’s Playground, and bake. We like the restaurants here.

Is there anything that you miss or would like to see in the Market Common? 

A library.

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