The Surfside Beach Business Committee

by the Town of Surfside Beach

Surfside Beach has several committees that provide an additional way for citizens to be involved and have input on the managing of the Town. The Business Committee is one such advisory board.

The Business Committee consists of 9 current and retired business owners who either reside in the town or have businesses within the town limits. The duties of the committee are to improve communication with and to make recommendations to Town Council to implement necessary regulations consistent with the business community’s interests, and cultivate a business-friendly environment to help new and existing businesses succeed and prosper within the Town of Surfside Beach.
Members volunteer their time and talent to the committee, and do not receive any compensation. All members have to be approved by the Town Council, and report to the Council via a Council Member, who volunteers to act as liaison. The members serve a four-year term, and can renew their term if they wish. The public is always welcome at meetings.

The Business Committee has:

  • Assisted in updating the Sign Ordinance, working over several months to reduce the number of pages from 25 to 12 and an easier ordinance to understand and enforce.
  • At the request of Town Council, reviewed the Commercial Overlay and proposed Entertainment District zoning changes
  • Recommended updates to the Town’s website creating a listing of licensed businesses in Town
  • Promoted the Town’s businesses through the Taste of Surfside
  • Spearheaded the Insider Surfside Beach section in the Market Common Insider publication, providing content that highlights what Surfside orrers including Town services, events, parks, committees and non-profits.
  • Ongoing exploration of other approaches to promote the Town and its businesses.

Our goal is to increase traffic to the area, helping businesses in Surfside Beach to grow and thrive. We urge all business owners and the public to attend the meetings and be involved. For more information or to find the meeting schedule go to

Article written and edited by the Surfside Beach staff and administration.

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