Pam Wilk and BJ Moore are certified holistic cancer coaches offering support and education for their clients. The two offer small group as well as private coaching sessions. --Photo by Meganpixels Parker

Hope Thru Cancer

Holistic Cancer Coaching with Pam Wilk and BJ Moore

by Melissa LaScaleia

Pam Wilk and BJ Moore are holistic cancer coaches certified through The Center for Advancement in Cancer Education in Pennsylvania. Together they founded Hope Thru Cancer, located in Murrells Inlet. 

Below, the two explain what a holistic cancer coach is, and how they show up for their clients in this capacity, everyday. 

Cancer is an illness that today touches almost everyone. Almost everyone, at some point in life, will know of someone who has had it. Today’s statistics show that 1 in 2 American men will receive a cancer diagnosis at some point in their lives, and 1 in 3 women will as well.

Both Pam and BJ’s personal stories with cancer have shaped their lives and their passion for what they do and brought them to where they are today.

“Patients receiving a cancer diagnosis often search for holistic, integrative, and alternative approaches to improve their quality of life and disease outcome,” BJ explains. “They can become confused and overwhelmed by all the information and misinformation available to them. A holistic cancer coach can help to navigate and guide their choices.”

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“When my husband was forty-four years old,” Pam says, “he was diagnosed with stage three colon cancer. That was the beginning of my quest to find out why certain people get cancer and what causes it. When we went to the oncologist and asked what he should eat, he said, ‘It doesn’t matter. Let him eat whatever he wants.’

“I knew that wasn’t right. With our limited knowledge at the time, we changed many things about our diets; he continued multiple rounds of chemo but died at the age of forty-seven. This is why I do what I do. I want others to become empowered to take control of their health and that of their loved ones.”

“I met Pam when I was going through chemotherapy ten years ago with my first bout of breast cancer,” BJ says. As a certified health coach, Pam taught me the importance of nutrition and the role it plays in healing. Since then, I have been on a path of change that has helped my body to cope with a recent health challenge, and inspired me to make use of my clinical nursing background and partner with Pam in Hope Thru Cancer.”

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"My journey as a two-time cancer thriver has been transformational. It has put so many amazing and courageous people in my path." -BJ Moore —Photo Meganpixels Parker

“Everything we offer is highly individualized,” BJ shares. “Our plan is based on how the client embraces what is happening to them. Our intent is to discuss options designed to improve overall health while they are on the path that they have elected.”

The duo help their patients to clarify their goals, and work with them to develop a plan to help them achieve those goals.

“My journey as a two-time cancer thriver has been transformational,” BJ says. “It has put so many amazing and courageous people in my path.

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"I want others to become empowered to take control of their health and the health of their loved ones." —Pam Wilk — Photo Meganpixels Parker

“I believe that my positive attitude and energy are gifts that I bring to others in supporting and helping them to face cancer.”

“There are many proven lifestyle changes that can reverse cancer or reduce the side effects of treatments like chemotherapy,” Pam says. “Our message is for everyone, not just those coping with cancer. What we do is help people get to a healthier place. That is for everyone.

“I like to tell people, that the pain that we’ve experienced has set us on this path, and it has given us purpose for our life, and now that purpose is our passion.” 

Hope Thru Cancer

Providing educational resources that can help people prevent, cope with, and beat cancer with diet, lifestyle and other immune enhancing techniques. 

Services include: individual and small group coaching sessions, workshops, and group presentations.

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