July 2018

July is in full swing and that means beach time, BBQ,s, family picnics and lots of time outdoors in the warm (sometimes too hot) sun. We wish you all a Happy 4th with all its activities as you celebrate this month.
Everyone knows the importance of protecting your skin, eyes and the need to keep hydrated. This month I want to help you make the best choices for the most protection as you enjoy our awesome beaches and outdoor spaces. With so many products available to keep us protected, reading labels becomes very important. Keeping in mind the benefits of chemical free products will help to find the most protection with the least negative results. Our skin is the largest organ of our bodies and absorbs whatever we decide to slather it with. Once applied it is absorbed and processed into our blood and organs. Lets feed it safe and free of chemical hazards whenever possible.
Many organic sun screens are available wher- ever you shop that provide 30-50% protection against the harmful rays of the sun, but be aware that because they are organic they have a limited shelf life so read the expiration date to be sure its fresh and not expired. Protect your eyes with UV protective sun glasses or wear a hat with a brim that shades your eyes especially at the peak of the days heat.
Hydration is most important for all who spend time outdoors whether at work or play. Water, water, water. I just can’t stress enough the importance of staying hydrated and the best way to keep hydrated is plain ole water. Sugar drinks may satisfy for a while but will result in a crash of energy and more important is sugary drinks will dehydrate you. Fresh fruit and fresh fruit juice give us the pickup we need during the hot summer days. Ice cold watermelon is my favorite and nothing is sweeter than a golden ripe peach. So stay cool, protected and hydrated while enjoying
this special month.
Call us at (843) 997-7037 with your questions or concerns regarding these hot summer days and how to stay healthy and protected or stop by and see what we offer for safe summer sun activities. We are located at 2798 D Howard Avenue in Mar ket Common, Myrtle Beach, SC.