Cruisin’ Myrtle Beach with Your Besties in Style

How Moke America Elevates Your Myrtle Beach Experience

There’s an undeniable charm to rolling down Myrtle Beach in a Moke, surrounded by your crew. This isn’t just any ride; it’s a colorful journey steeped in history, where the vibrancy of the vehicle matches the spirit of the adventure. Born from a military blueprint in the late 1950s, the Moke quickly transformed into a cultural icon, adored by legends like Brigitte Bardot and the Beach Boys. Today, it stands as a symbol of fun and freedom, with its vivid hues and customization options that let each owner infuse a bit of personal flair. Cruising through Myrtle Beach in such a storied and stylish ride turns an ordinary day into an extraordinary tale of discovery, camaraderie, and the open road.

Brunch at Crepe Creation

At Crepe Creation, our day kicked off with the kind of breakfast that promises great things ahead. Imagine a lineup of delicious crepes, coffee that hits just right, and your crew all gathered around—excitement in the air for the day ahead. Thanks to its kickin’ Bluetooth sound system, our drive from brunch to the beach had the perfect soundtrack. Music, friends, and a sunny day ahead—what more could you ask for?

Beach Time is the Best Time

Loading up the Moke felt like a breeze, especially with its expanded trunk space offering more than enough room for all our beach gear. It was off to Myrtle Beach State Park, where the real chill vibes kicked in. We laid out, caught up, and enjoyed the sun. There’s something about being at the beach with your friends that just feels like a reset button. Even better? Knowing that whatever sand or spills happened during the day, the whole vehicle could be easily hosed down later, inside and out.

Cruisin’ Down Ocean Blvd

Later, we took the Moke down Ocean Blvd, windows down, tunes up. At a leisurely pace of 25 MPH, we soaked in the sites. The Moke isn’t just a vehicle; it’s a vibe on wheels, fitting seamlessly into the laid-back beach atmosphere. It’s eco-friendly, so you’re doing good while having fun, and its open design means you’re all part of the conversation, no matter where you’re seated.

Unwinding at Art Burger Sushi Bar

As the day mellowed out, we hit Art Burger Sushi Bar. With the Moke parked close by, we dove into some of the best sushi in town, sharing plates and stories under the glow of the setting sun. By the way, next time you’re at Art, make sure you ask for the Omakase roll! These are “surprise” rolls dreamt up on-the-spot by their talented sushi chefs. These add a bit of spontaneity to your evening and are perfect for the indecisive ones in your squad (hi, it’s me).

Why the Moke Made It Better

Sharing a day with friends in Myrtle Beach is always a win, but doing it in a Moke added that extra layer of fun and freedom. It wasn’t just about getting from point A to point B; it was about the shared laughs, the breezy rides, and the collective joy of discovering spots around Myrtle Beach together. The Moke’s unique style turned heads, but more importantly, it kept us connected to the day, the city, and each other.

Looking back, what made the day memorable wasn’t just the places we went to, but how we got there. The Moke, with its charm and simplicity, reminded us that the best adventures are often about the journey—and who you share it with. Wrapping up the day was as effortless as it started; all we had to do was plug the Moke into any household 110-outlet. Within eight hours, it was fully charged and ready to embark on another 40 miles of adventures. So here’s to more days out, more discoveries, and doing it all alongside your favorite people, with the Moke making every trip a breeze from start to finish.

Rachel Alcazar

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Rachel is an award-winning designer and a 2018 Winthrop University Graphic Design graduate, known for her creativity and community spirit. Since graduating, Rachel has been a key member of Coastal Insider and Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Coastal Real Estate. She crafts all marketing materials, including postcards and booklets, for the real estate side, while at Coastal Insider, she plans social media calendars, writes articles, designs cohesive social media feeds, creates ads, assists with content creation and photography, and produces weekly emails. Rachel excels at transforming ideas into engaging visuals, driving results, and connecting with audiences.