It’s More Than a Name Change For Us
by John Jobson
We are happy to announce that we, Properties At The Market Common, have established higher goals and expectations in 2018 than we envisioned just eighteen months ago when we opened our new office on Farrow Parkway. That was an exciting time for us, and our Insider readers and clients have witnessed our rapid growth over the months.
“As of January 19, 2018, we were approved to become the newest member of the rapidly expanding Real Living Network of Real Estate Professionals,” states Jim Parker, president of one the newest Real Living Real Estate franchises in the country.
Real Living is a network brand of HSF Affiliates LLC, which is majority owned by HomeServices of America, Inc.™, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate.
“As a company, we wanted to achieve more for our clients,” says John Jobson, vice-president and co-owner.
In November 2017, the owners attended the National Association of Realtors Conference in Chicago to evaluate the possibility of partnering with a national franchise as an option for business expansion.
“We went through an investigative process,” John says. “And we found Real Living to be the real estate franchise we believed could help us achieve more.”
At the conference, our team was attracted to Real Living’s client-centric approach to real estate which coincides with our own. Real Living trains their brokers and agents to prioritize their clients’ needs– a value which is central to their beliefs about the way real estate should be provided.

Two weeks after the conference, our Properties team hosted the Real Living leadership at our office. Real Living recognized the potential of our team, market, and location to deliver high quality service to the Myrtle Beach market area. And they made it a priority for us to join their business network.
“The purpose of our affiliation with the Real Living brand of real estate services is multi-faceted,” declares Kevin Gunn, director of real estate brokerage. “At the core of our mutual identity with the Real Living leadership is our common belief that business is driven by long-term relationships that are established through mutual trust and service provided to our clients. The other motivating factor is our sincere desire to offer our clients, brokers and agents the highest standards of service possible in our industry.
“Real estate is a rapidly evolving profession, and we want to stay on the cutting edge of the latest trends and technologies. We want to know that everything we are offering through our office and our agents to our customers and clients is the most professional and up-to-date. We can always improve and get better, and this affiliation is helping us do just that.”
Additionally, as of this month, we have changed our company name.
“We know that nationally, 87% of real estate sales are being generated through companies with a strong national franchise brand affiliation,” says John. “Moreover, our name, Properties At The Market Common, was a geographical identity marker illustrating where we began and the location of our regional sales center, but it limited our business identity and scope of our greater purpose.
“We understand that life brings with it changes— marriage, family expansion, divorce, relocation, retirement, downsizing. We have specific programs to address these real-life scenarios, solutions to optimize each circumstance that our clients may face. Within these life changes, our new name reflects our awareness that people are seeking a certain quality of life; our focus is on helping them to achieve the home buying, selling, or leasing objectives that coincide with their vision.”

The Real Living leadership team was instrumental in helping us to come up with a new company name that reflects our approach to real estate and the personalized service that we offer—Real Living Home Realty Group.
“We believe the world-class leadership within the Real Living network is second to none,” says Jim. “Our focus is on becoming the best Real Estate company our clients will ever work with, and e believe our decision to become a franchisee of Real Living will help us achieve that objective through their best practices, systems and strategies.”
John, Kevin, and Jim attended the National Real Living Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida, this past February, where the franchise leadership unveiled several strategic plans to reinforce their commitment to providing us with cutting edge tools, training and communication to serve our clients at the highest level.
“We know that this new chapter of our company’s development will allow us to grow more effectively with every member of our staff benefiting from this new strategy,” says Jim.
As of March 20, after several weeks of intensive franchise integration and training, we officially began operating our company as Real Living Home Realty Group.
“Last year we made significant strides to establish ourselves within the Market Common District as a quality real estate agency,” says Jim. “By quarter four of 2017, we had become the predominant marketing agency within the Market Common community. That success is propelling us to work towards becoming real estate leaders within our broader market service area.”
Soon we will be announcing a grand opening and we hope everyone will come by our office to help us celebrate this important milestone in our company’s history. We look forward to achieving more with you!