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This past year has reinforced for me what I’m most grateful for in my life. And in welcoming 2021, I’m taking extra time to acknowledge and appreciate those things— namely, my family and this place I call home, Myrtle Beach. It wasn’t always this way, however. My goal was to move to NYC when I graduated from college, but God had a different plan for me.
Over the past decade living here in Myrtle Beach, I’ve discovered a new love for this area specifically, as well as South Carolina in general. The friendliness and generosity of spirit amongst the people here is heartwarming and always puts a smile on my face; so too, does the beauty of our ocean and coastline.
Unique personalities make up the South Carolinian culture, as we are an amalgamation of transplants as well as natives. People move here from every place, including internationally, and from every background and walk of life. But the heartbeat, the pulse, it’s still the same small business heartbeat that sustains our region and area. It’s really profound to see the common thread throughout these businesses— the passion, caring and commitment.
I’ve come to see that it’s a lot more exotic here than I realized. I used to think a faraway city could satisfy my need for diversity, but then I saw that diversity was all around me. As soon as I moved away, I felt something very precious to me was missing.
As I read through our front page article, I’m humbled to see the level of growth in this beautiful area that I once took for granted. To kick-off the New Year, we chose to highlight the burgeoning real estate market here, because the expansion impacts our community positively, and because we’re proud that Myrtle Beach, our city, is #3 on the best list. Because we’ve always championed small businesses, we’re excited to share this information in support of our community and those business owners, both current and future.

Megan Parker